Belle arrived at the sanctuary in September of 2019. She was rescued by a former owner when the current owner decided to take her to auction. She was thin, feet overgrown and in desperate need of dental work. She was what we considered a severe neglect case. We got our sanctuary vet out right away to do a dental on little Belle but we found out she suffers from heaves which is basically the equivalent of asthma in horses. She didn’t take the sedation well but our amazing vet got as much done with her teeth as she could before it got too risky to keep her sedated. She ended up needing teeth pulled and as a result has to be on soaked hay cubes to prevent her from losing weight and having issues with her breathing as any dust no matter how minor can cause her heaves to flare up. Belle now lives a happy, healthy life with her two friends Phoebe and Shadow. She can run and play and just be a healthy mini.