
Dr. Carmen Langevin

We’re very excited to have Dr. Carmen Langevin of Flying C Veterinary Services as our veterinarian professional looking after our littles. She is extensively knowledgeable in the care of equines and will be a great asset to our sanctuary.


Rhonda Stock

Laura Stock

We are privileged to have two onsite trimmers in the forms of our President and Vice-President. Rhonda specializes in minis and foundered feet and has trained Laura so they are perfect for the sanctuary.

Rhonda Stock, Barefoot Hoof Trimmer

1(306) 421-4720


Jeanita Beauregard

Our Director at Large, Jeanita Beauregard, is a Certified Racehorse Groom and looks after all our little geldings. She makes sure their sheaths are clean and healthy. She also travels to clean sheaths for other horse owners. She also shaves the littles who need help shedding in the spring and gets rid of all those nasty burrs if a little one comes to us with them in their mane and tail.

Jeanita Beauregard

1(306) 640-6466

First Aid

Laura Stock

Our Vice-President, Laura Stock, is a Certified Veterinary Assistant and has had much hands on experience with equine first aid. She has taken many equine first-aid courses and trailering safety courses. She takes care of all the injuries, on site medical issues and injections at the sanctuary.