Dewdrop came to us in June of 2022 with her baby mule Penelope and their friend Dotori. Dewdrop lived with a bunch of other minis at a mini horse “petting zoo” but due to some bad circumstances was going to be sent to the market where she would definitely have been bought for meat. Dewdrop wasn’t treated the best and was a very shy and skittish girl but the owner’s sister couldn’t stand to see her sent to auction so contacted us about taking her in. We agreed since she had what we would consider behavioural issues. When she got here she was very scared. Now she comes up for pets and love, however she still cowers and shakes as soon as a halter is put on her. This, to us, says she’s been abused in the past. She sticks very close to Penelope, Dotori, Stormy (another one of her daughters), and Gypsy as they all came from the same place.