A Romance Made in Heaven (Happy Little Hooves)

Once upon a time in a land far away there lived a princess named Peanut. Princess Peanut was well-loved in her kingdom where she ruled with an iron-free hoof. During the warm months, Peanut devoted herself to helping people in need of therapy, and in the winter, she retired to her castle where she spent her days feasting on hay and following her friends around as they carried their humans on adventures.


However, Princess Peanut had one problem. Her feet had been cursed by an evil witch named laminitis. Because of the curse, Peanut could not eat green grass without hurting herself. Her subjects did their best to care for the princess, making sure she had plenty of hay during her time as a therapy helper. As long as she only ate hay, her feet felt good.

Then one day, Princess Peanut found out that the therapy place was closing and she wouldn’t be able to stay there in the summer any more. Her subjects in her kingdom didn’t have a place for her where she didn’t have grass to eat, and her feet began to get sore. But since her people loved her so much, they searched high and low and found a wonderful place where Princess Peanut could go where she would be grass-free and still loved and cared for – the Happy Little Hooves Pony and Donkey Sanctuary.

Princess Peanut climbed into her carriage, and after a tearful goodbye, she left her kingdom for her new home. On the way, the carriage stopped at another kingdom, and the door opened. There before her was the most handsome man she had ever seen with long black hair blowing in the wind and brown eyes that were deep enough for her to get lost in.


He whinnied hello and introduced himself as Sir William, Knight of the Lands of Arcola, also known to his adoring followers as Willy the Welsh. Princess Peanut was instantly smitten by this tall, dark, handsome knight, and they began to talk as the carriage carried them onward. She was saddened to hear that Willy suffered from the same foot curse as she did, but at the same time, she thanked her lucky stars that he was heading for the same place as she was.

The Princess and the Knight stepped out of the carriage together in their new home and were inseparable. And they lived happily ever after.


Okay, okay … Peanut is our wonderful little appaloosa miniature mare who arrived on the same day as Willy, our welsh/quarter horse cross gelding. In spite of their size difference, Willy and Peanut became best friends and love to hang out together whenever possible. Both came from very good homes, but due to their hoof issues, they came to the sanctuary where they can be kept off grass and have very frequent hoof trims. They are our much-loved odd couple!